Lenker: Norsk Zoologisk Forening

Norsk Zoologisk Forening

Foreningens hovedside:
The Norwegian Zoological Society (Norsk Zoologisk Forening; NZF) was founded in 1946 and is the only NGO in Norway covering all groups of animals, from insects and crustaceans to mammals and birds. The society is open for all individuals interested in zoology - amateurs as well as professional zoologists. The society's main aims are inform the public, as well as the authorities, about wildlife in Norway and to work for the conservation of wild animals and their habitats.
Lagt til: 22.04.12 Besøk: 641
Vi er en aktiv zoologisk forening i Kristiansand, som arrangerer turer, arrangerer jevnlig foredrag, har egen barnegruppe, deltar i naturvernarbeid og praktisk skjøtsel av natur. Vi har foreningshytter i Snikkedalen og på Østre Randøya.
Lagt til: 22.04.12 Besøk: 1029
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